Thursday, August 26, 2021

Criminal Activity, Wrongdoer Justice, and the Evolving Science of Criminology in South Asia, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

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Composed by a few of the most noteworthy criminologists of South Asia, this book takes a look at advances in law, criminal justice, and criminology in South Asia with specific referral to India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

The modified collection checks out, on the basis of studies, interviews, court records, and legal files, a wide variety of prompt problems such as: the effects of modernization and globalization on laws combating violence versus ladies and kids, development of rape laws and the problems of gender justice, laws for combating online kid sexual assault, change in juvenile justice, combination of females into policing, the characteristics of violence and civility, and the birth of colonial criminology in South Asia.

Trainees of criminology and criminal justice, specialists, policy-makers, and human rights supporters will discover this distinct volume extremely important.

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